Join AAFP and FAFP
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Distinguish yourself today by joining the most prestigious association dedicated solely to the practice of family medicine. Join today and start enjoying the many valuable benefits offered to AAFP/FAFP Members. While standing with 124,900 of your peers in advancing family medicine, you’ll have exclusive access to AAFP's CME reporting service, discounts on hundreds of courses and products, and leading-edge career and practice support. Click here to become a member today!
Visit the following links for further information on each AAFP Membership Category:
Rejoining the AAFP/FAFP
Has it been a while since you were a member? Welcome back to the AAFP/FAFP. Click here for more information on how to reinstate your membership.
Dues Payments
To pay your AAFP/FAFP dues, please contact the FAFP at (904) 726-0944, the AAFP at (800) 274-2237 (option 0 for a Member Resource Center Rep.) or you may click the below icon.